$197.00 USD

The Luxury Pricing Mini Course

A fresh, luxury approach to pricing, packages and proposals for a more profitable wedding season



If you aren't strategic with your pricing , packages + proposals, you might as well kiss those dream clients goodbye.

But don't worry, we're here to help.


The Luxury Pricing Mini Course was created for wedding filmmakers and photographers who are eager to learn and grow their business, become more profitable, and serve their clients better.

Whether you've been in the industry for 1 year or 15 years, we are excited to teach you our approach to pricing, packages + proposals that has helped us both scale our own businesses to consistently charging $18k+ per wedding.


Over 4 video lessons and over 3 hours of content, you will learn:

1. PRICING:  How to determine your pricing (with a purpose) + how to create a system for increasing your prices that will lead to a more profitable business overall.

2. PACKAGES:  How to create packages + collections that your clients actually want & how to leverage a la carte offerings.

3. PROPOSALS: Defining custom proposals, how to create them, and when to send them.

4. CONSULTATIONS: How + when to conduct consultations + the etiquette surrounding them